What's The Password For Citizens of Boomtown? SHHHHHHHHHH...What's Behind THIS Door? Oh! Hello, Boomtown Rats! Sound Familiar? I bet that's YOUR Story for finding your way into Citizens of Boomtown, too!
Oh! Who's that holding court in a darkened corner booth somewhere in the middle of Norway? It's The Godfather of the Boomtown Rats telling some very Top Secret things to Ukrainian Consul, @Major Paul , who's getting it all down on "tape" in that teeny~tiny micro~recorder in his pocket. What a poker face!
Poker? 🃏 I know who loves to play poker. Secret Agent Cuddeford! 🎲 Being portrayed perfectly here by Innovator@Shelby Beaven in the guise of 007! 💷
Now you know that that Bob & the Bobkatz show at Manefestivalen, captured so beautifully by @RadioactiveRat ,was just a front for...SHHHHHHHHH...It's Citizens of Boomtown. The Most Top Secret Site In The History of Rock 'N" Roll.
So think how special it is that you're a part of it! Thank you Paul, Shelby, & Radioactive Rat for letting us in on your secrets! Thank you to everyone over the past couple of weeks who's Liked a post, admired a photo from Citizens of Boomtown's great photo contributors, or visited from far & wide all across the World! 🌎 We see you Alabama, Sweden, Canada, Dublin, New Mexico, Italy, and every nook & cranny of the United Kingdom...And We Love You! Thank You For Being Here! You all mean the WORLD!