Astrological Association: MERCURY in VIRGO
This morning, in honor of our week having begun with David Bowie's birthday (January 8th), I've drawn a card from the Starman Tarot asking for the card that will be the most helpful & will point the way for anyone going through pain or struggle and a pointing of the way for all of us, in general.
To explain a little bit about the Starman Tarot, it was given to the world on October 8th, 2018, and its creator, artist, Davide De Angelis, was given David Bowie's blessing to bring it into being. (David loved Davide's art & collaborated with him on several of David's projects). One of Davide's visions for the deck is to help you be able to see, feel, and experience, in a genuine way, how incredible it is to be alive & to be able to feel & know, in a genuine way, that all of this that we've been given is yours to help bring into being the things that only you can think of, only you can feel in your heart, only you can envision. David Bowie is a Capricorn (present tense because his spirit still exists). Capricorns are intensely creative & intensely insecure, self~doubting, & self~deprecating. You can be SURE David Bowie was terrified & incredibly afraid of failure the 1st time he took a creative step out into the world. What if he hadn't?
After spending about 30~minutes
letting my eyes & mind go as deeply into the rich pinks & warm golds of the Starman Tarot's 10 of Pentacles as I could, I got up to change what I was listening to. I opened up my Pandora app & the song that began playing was one of my favorite songs in life, David Bowie's "Life On Mars?", with these particular lines jumping out at me as I resumed letting my eyes fall over the card:
Now she walks through her sunken dream to the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it 10~times or more...
Those are not the words of someone feeling the ultimate earthly state of bliss of the Starman at the center of the 10 of Pentacles but the words of someone who absolutely knows what it will feel like when she does get there. Her vision is clear ~ she sees it. (MERCURY rules the MIND) She feels it. (VIRGO is EARTH. All that we can reach out, TOUCH and FEEL). And she WILL get there. Earth is steady, stays the course. With Earth, things many not come quickly ~ they need the time for taking root & growing at just the right pace ~ but with daily work applied, it WILL happen.
The 10 of Pentacles refers to domestic bliss . In the 10 of Pentacles of the Starman Tarot, a family whose faces & forms you can't really see, sit upon the biggest, fullest, & most golden of the 10 gold Pentacles on the card. A figure, although florescent yellow, seems almost more faceless, more shapeless...more unformed...and stands outside of this something of a distance from it. The figure may not be fully formed yet but is fully aware of its daily growing and what is held within his or her heart. He or she looks toward the Pentacle with his...with her...arms open wide...very ready for the experience of life within the Pentacle where he or she knows he/she belongs. This is Home. This is Love. Daily work will be required but you were born for this. The figure says, "I know what you look like, I know what you feel like... From where I stand I can breathe you in."
You are on your way. You know who or what you want. You see them/it ~ even if not down to who/what (or maybe you do) ~ you FEEL them/it ~ even if the entire vision or idea isn't fully formed, you FEEL it and with daily applied work, which is what Virgo is all about, you will bring it into being.
The Starman figure at the center of the card holds in his arms an entire world ~ an entire realm of possibility ~ what looks to me like a golden city skyline. What does it look like to you? That's the important thing. For each of us looking at this imagery, that beautiful golden possibility being held tenderly in the Starman's arms is something different and each dream, each vision, is equally important, each equally needed, and each something only the holder of the dream & vision can bring into being.
The thing you want isn't impossible, it isn't fantasy, it isn't unrealistic ~ don't let anyone or anything tell you otherwise or make you feel otherwise.
The Starman's head is encircled by the protective color pink. Inside this circle he is developing his dream, which can be as much about a dream for the inner world of the home as much as a dream of something to put out into the world ~ it can also incorporate both ~ there are no limits here (10 is the ultimate, the pinnacle, fullness) and everything is connected and flows beautifully. You simply need to step into it convincingly ~ you don't have to tell anyone other than yourself that it all begins today (or you can) but it all begins today & with daily application, you will see this come to its fruition. The Sun is in Capricorn & the Moon is in Virgo, Earth signs dedicated to the daily work & creativity of bringing something into being. Never has the world been more on your side to begin bringing all that you want into being...the Starman told me so.
Jennifer ✨💚💚✨