Sparks. If you've been under a rock for the past 40 years and are not familiar with the brothers Mael you should first smack yourself upside the head and then head to YouTube to binge on their greatness.
As a young teen I came across an album when I said to myself "He's cute" (Russell) so I bought it. Don't laugh - it's how I discovered The Doors as well. 😂
Turns out they lived in L.A. and quickly became one of my 'local' bands I saw a lot and hung out with. And also as quickly as I thought Russell was cute, I moved on to Ron. He was and is adorable.
Lyrically offbeat, musical geniuses. Ask anyone.
2021 has exploded with Sparks with the documentary and the musical Annette so if you're unfamiliar with them do yourself a favour and meet the band that influenced many others. Any band that has a song with my name in it can't be bad!
What memories’ takes me back to when I shared a bedroom with my brother who played them so many times, especially that song as it was on repeat so a great choice.
I did see the documentary last year it's worth a watch if you haven’t seen it as mentioned and what a cool photo
I love Sparks. Great duo. I do have a CD of theirs, will have to dig it out now.
And a great photo too
Brillant. - thanks for posting. Amateur Hour remains a firm favourite of mine but will enjoy exploring as you suggest