This is is a draft and hopefully would look better on screen, not my bad handy work.
The idea is this is where you land when you arrive. It needs tightening up and maybe changing some of the order. The links will go to the forum (renamed Downtown) And to different sections of the forum. They will also go to other areas of Boomtown. It acts as a map. The rest of links will go to things such as:
a list of all previous gigs or as many as we can find
a list of all tracks and links to YouTube tracks - under albums
various pieces of writing, as we already have
fan contributions etc etc
please tell me what you think, make any comments, etc etc
I am not smart at this subject, For me it looks great! Very good job Jules!
I am a dumb arse so I will leave this upto you clever people. You have my support either way.
The layout does point to Boomtown as a very busy place with lots to explore. I might have gone for 4-5 entries per side rather than 10, but I get that it's a Monopoly-style grid and I certainly do appreciate that a lot of thought has gone into this. 40+ entries at top level may overwhelm casual visitors who are just clicking through, but interested fans will dive in. If hovering over the individual tabs opens a floating text box to explain the content underneath, that may help people get where they want to go. Kudos for all of the development and brainstorming so far.
Looks great Jules 😊
Looks great Jules, I like it. This lay-out would make it much easier to navigate. However I wonder if it would work on a smaller device / phone..
Lot of work has gone into this! So long as its easy to navigate👍
Great idea boomtown has a great
THIS IS SUPER COOL AND CREATIVE!!! I think, with enough polish and work, this could work so well