"Drag me down in colors pink & gold
(Like a ship that's going under... Bring me home in rain & thunder)
Bless the night before the day grows old
(Like a ship that's going under... Bring me home in rain & thunder)"
~ "Drag Me Down",
The Boomtown Rats
🌿 ☘️🌸☘️ 🌿
You are...Your relationship is...so very often like bright, blazing flames against against a pink & gold sky ~ Warm to stand in the center of, beautiful for the world to cast its eyes upon.
You may have felt this coming on for a while or it may feel that it's come on suddenly, but increasingly you feel that the fire is becoming imprisoned behind bars, which is a perfect way to describe this card, the 10 of Wands', astrological association of Saturn in Sagittarius ~ Saturn, the teaching planet, pulls the reins in while Sagittarius wants to run unbridled & free. You, your relationship, or the one that you love, suddenly find there's a heavy weight threatening to pull one, both, or the whole thing down. Something's consuming all of your energy. There may have been a time when you loved putting all of your energy into this particular arena but lately, all you're feeling is the weight of it on your shoulders & that bright, beautiful, burning fire at the center of you or at the heart of your relationship, risks being smothered. The 10 of Wands, here from the Druid Craft Tarot (which I will be drawing from all month in honor of St. Patrick's Day), encourages you to really spend some time thinking about the things that are making your mind, body, heart, & soul feel tired & completely uninspired and then take action (Wands represent the Fire element, which is action, passion, & inspiration) and create change in regard to these things. Otherwise, the flames & sparks, whether it be your creative inspiration or pertaining to a relationship, are in danger of disappearing altogether. You don't want something you love or a relationship with someone you love, to become filled with dread & a sense of heaviness like that bundle of Wands the poor man in the center of the 10 of Wands is not only trying to carry on his back but trying to carry up to the top of a mountain! He...you...will never get there with this weight that you're carrying. The buds of springtime we're all starting to see now are really calling to you, aren't they? The poor, heavily burdened man at the center of this card seems to turn just slightly to look at the two daffodils, slightly visible lilies~of~the~valley, & purple dahlia of springtime he's just passed. His world appears as though it will only get darker & heavier if he keeps going further & further up this path he set out on. It's really not too late to turn around or to create change on the path. He's not really beyond those flowers yet & the path away from where he's headed is still very clear & visible. Even better, once he takes the necessary steps to get away from this darkness there's a very clear opening beyond the mountain that's pink & gold & the brightest, most inviting blue.
Bring yourself home...Or if the heavily burdened man in the 10 of Wands calls to mind for you feelings that exist within a relationship, tell the one you love how you're feeling. You might be surprised at how much they want to bring you home in rain and thunder.
The imagery within the 10 of Wands is so heavy & dark, I would much rather send you off surrounded in the warmth of pink & gold ~ and being a Taurus with my Ascendant in Libra ~ that's kind of my specialty! So, I selected one of my favorite Rats pictures & added a dash of my own color to it! If rain & thunder is bringing you down, look for all the roads leading you home or the ones leading you to where you know will be home for YOU!
Jennifer ⭐🌸⭐