It’s Garry’s birthday this month, so there may be some posts related to or featuring him! Find out why Neon Heart is his favourite Rats track.
Jules looks at the release of the bands 3rd single in June 1978, Like Clockwork
Also released in June, but in 1982, ColDog revisits Charmed Lives, a single that seems to devide opinion like no other!
June 2013 was the official comeback gig for the band, so we look at some of the responses and reviews to that.
We have a number of other things planned, including a chat with another Citizen of Boomtown. There are a number of Citizens planning to go to the Sign of the Times gig on the 2nd July, so we are looking at having another on-line get together towards the end of June.
So plenty going on here in Boomtown. If you would like to contribute a song for Something For The Weekend or recommend something for Album Club, then please do message Jules, ColDog or me.
Thanks for your continued support.
Neon heart Is also my favourite track! Also I'd definitely be up for another online get together I really enjoyed the last one 😊