Votes for Boomtown's first Mayor are rolling in!
Boomtown's ballot box will remain open until 11:59pm on Friday 19 June 2020, so be sure to stop by before then.
You could very well dictate the future of our world!
Please, use your votes carefully and try to make sure that no actual Boomtown Rats make it through. Ratlings like yourselves are fine. We can manage that. But actual Rats. Pfft.
#btr #theboomtownrats #cob #citizensofboomtown #mayor #vote #elections
needs flowers. i mean does ANYTHING grow in Boomtown? It HAS got rain!!!! that's a bonus. isn't it?
I mean can get rid of them big old rocks and put down a nice soft carpet, marquis, punch bowl, food spread, and cushions to sit on? I will start with please.
That chair doesn't look like being in a very welcoming and comfortable place to be does it??!
Ok maybe not plush velvet and gold, but also perhap not so desolute an environment?
I mean if who I voted for sat in THAT chair up there, i'd be genuninely concerned for them.
As a mere humble citizen of boomtown, I DEMAND that the mayor is well looked after in a nice welcoming environment. It's not too much to ask is it?
May the best rodent win......